Saturday 15 May 2010

My Evening Dress on Titanic

When I stepped on Titanic, I hope that I could wear an evening dress and pretended that I was one of the guests there. Then I started to design my dress , I found out that it was difficult for me to do it because dressing in SL was really complicated. However, I did think it was really interesting if I had enough time to try every different clothes and materials.

I wore a black top and a sleeveless purple shirt. My white and silver long skirt was made by leather. I also wore a pair of white gloves. I thought they made me looks more elegant. In order to put something around my neck, I chose a light blue scarf. The silver high heels were pretty special and they were designed by other players in SL.

Sunday 25 April 2010


Trip to Lunamaruna (SL)

When I visited Lunamaruna, I was attracted by this cartoonish, fantasy, and mystery world. All of the buildings and materials were painted by pastel and watercolor. There were some colorful seaweed around the riverbank. A dolphin liked fountain was in the middle of the town square. The buildings were around the square and they all looked abnormal and leaned to one side. The ratio of the houses was strange and gave all the adventurers a special vision. But the sky was dark and had some mist and made me feel a little bit scared.

When I was on my way to the researcher lab, I saw a horrible thing- the oversized angler fish. The huge angler fish was dangled its light and trying to attract the lure. There were some human bones lying around the ground and made me feel eerie. In order to pass the “monster” safely, I walked really fast. Unfortunately, I saw my friend fell into the water! I couldn’t help screaming and strived to find some ways to help her. The fish swam to her but that was a release that the angler fish just swam away and didn’t hurt anyone.

On the other side of the square, I saw three “flying” rays. The view was really special that I stopped for a while to enjoy this vision. I took some snapshots and tried to catch the best angle for the rays. When I arrived at the town square, I saw a pink dolphin sitting on a rocking chair with a white sailor hat and a pipe in his mouth. It reminds me of the cartoon character-Popeye :)

There was a sign introducing the puffer fish. I saw four brightly colored and vivid puffer fish swam freely there. I decided to walk closer and take a look at them. Again, the puffer fish scared me because they puffed themselves up suddenly. However, they all look nice and friendly. You can even ride on them.

In this mission, I did learn a lot from Jason and the other participants. Jason taught us some words to describe what we saw in the world and helped us to discuss some topics. I liked this world and it provided us a good chance to explore the new things.

Saturday 16 January 2010

Music in Second Life

Music always makes people feel relax and comfortable. I like to listen to the music when I felt stressful. That’s why I choose this topic as a mission in Second Life. The video about U2’s concert in Second Life was really cool and real. I would like to dance and sing with them if I were there. Jason’s music was amazing, too. It would make people want to listen again and again. The lyrics are close to our daily lives.

When I went to the Musicland Isle, I saw a set of drums and the shining spot lights on the stage. I couldn’t help sitting at the drums and pretending I was the professional drummer. It was a dream for me to perform on the stage because I thought it was really cool.

We seldom have the opportunities to interview singers or musicians. This time I was full of energy to start the mission. Jason’s music made me feel really comfortable and relax. That’s why I wanted to know about his musician story.

Jason was really friendly and willing to share his personal feelings about how to be a singer and how to start his singing career. “It’s never too late to start” Jason said. I totally agreed with him because I thought hard working and diligent are the main focus to success.

I hope that I can go to his live concert and have fun next time.

Friday 8 January 2010

The trip to The Star Trek Museum

I went to The Star Trek Museum in Eridani on January 6th. There were some exhibits of Star Trek Arts. Most of them introduced the history of Star Trek. It was a popular movie and drama in the old days.
Many products were sold in the wooden houses. I was curious and decided to take a look at them.

On my way to the spaceport, I saw two samurais were fighting with each other. When I touched one of the samurais, he would change his poses. But their weapons were quite different from I had expected. They used strange scimitar-looked knife instead of katana.

When I saw the “free” space shuttle, I felt really excited and couldn’t wait to visit the outer space.

That space trip was cool and amazing. Billions of stars were shining in the sky. I felt that I was the captain of the space team.

This place was quite big and I couldn’t visit all of them in one day. But I did learn some interesting information from the Star Trek Museum.

Wednesday 30 December 2009

Christmas Celebration in Second Life on December 28th

I was looking forward to the mission because Christmas is always a popular topic for EFL learners to discuss. To my surprise, the customs and the way to celebrate Christmas between Taiwan and Canada are quite different.

I had learned many new stories and activities in the mission. Jason provided some examples and illustrated the activities in detail. For example, Jason told us that people will go shopping the day after Christmas. It was called “Boxing Day.” Many stores will sell some products and goods in very low prizes. People in North America are crazy about it. In addition, it is hard to buy a real Christmas tree in Taiwan so we always use the artificial one instead. The “plastic” Christmas tree can be reused for several years. On the opposite, in North America, they will buy the evergreen or conifer and decorate them with beautiful and shining decorations. Jason told us that the tree smells very special and make the house full of Christmas atmosphere. But the tree won’t last for a long time. The evergreen and conifer belongs to coniferous forest. So after a few days, the tree will drop their needles and fade out.

The song “Santa Claus is coming to town” is encouraging children to be good and well-behaved, then they will receive presents from Santa. We always know that good children will get the gifts. But how about the “bad” kids? The custom in Canada, bad or naughty children will get the presents, too. But unfortunately, bad child will receive a lump a coal. That was interesting and I really enjoyed in it.

After the mission, I learned something new about Christmas. Through the discussion between Jason and the participants, the content of the conversation becomes fruitful and creative. I will share the new knowledge and ideas with my family and friends. They will be happy and excited, too. I am looking forward to the next mission.

Donner in Second Life brings me in a real fantastic world. I like there because all the decorations and the environment make feel like I was in a foreign country. I saw a lot of cute bunnies, a candy house, silver trees, gingerbread men, and hundred of thousand of decorations there. It gave me a deep impression. I will go there next year!

Tuesday 29 December 2009

Winterfest in Second Life

There was a huge and beautiful Christmas tree in Galveston Island. I had to fly high to see the whole Christmas tree and the shining Bethlehem star. But it deserves, the scenery here was fascinating. Plenty of over-sized presents reminded me of my experiences on Christmas. Christmas is a joyful holiday for me because I always get Christmas gifts from my families and friends. We all like to exchange gifts with others. The most exciting thing is the moment I opened my gifts.

In Donner, I felt I was in the fairy tales. I saw a lot of decorations and big colored light bulbs here. I could hardly imagine that there had such an attracted place on the Internet. I had never saw snow before. Some snowflakes fell lightly around me, I felt really excited and decided to stay for a long time.

I went to a village and there were some wooden houses and cabins. Every cabin was decorated with sparkling and shining colored ribbons, glass ornaments, candy cane and Christmas presents. Some houses were decorated by poinsettia.

Then I saw cute and lovely bunnies in Donner. Some of them were running everywhere. They looked vivid to me. I did want to touch them and give them a hug. I observed them for a while because they were so lovely. I almost forgot my mission in SL.

I went to Prancer and saw some short snowmen dancing there. They held each other hand in hand, I hoped that I could join them, too. The bright silver trees moved with the wind. I did want to live there if I could.

I did have a good time in Second. I enjoyed this marvelous and incredible scenery there. I hoped that I can visit more places next time.

Sunday 20 December 2009

Canadian Food in Second Life on December 14th

Different countries have different ways to eat food. If you want to know more about one country, you have to be aware of their food, too. ^^

In mission three, Jason told us that Canada is a multicultural country. Many things were influenced by other cultures. Take food for example, many of them are from French and England. So bread, potatoes and meat are the staple of their meals. One of the most interesting Canadian foods for me is poutine. It was sold by the street vendors in Canada. It looked very yummy. Poutine includes French fries, cheese curd, and gravy. The recipe looked very simple. I think I can do it by my self at home.

Maple syrup is famous in Canada; many people flavored the desserts with maple syrup. For example, pancakes, pies, bread, cookies, ice cream and waffles. I like to eat snacks especially sweets and desserts. I hope that I can eat them, too. Jason also told us how to get the maple syrup from maple trees. It was quite interesting.

In Second Life, there was a good area called “Food.” It provided a variety of ingredients for people to use. There also had a complete set kitchen. When we talked about food there, it made me feel that I was really in the cooking classroom. We also discussed some ways of how to cook Canadian food. I am not good at cooking but I would like to give it a try.