Saturday 16 January 2010

Music in Second Life

Music always makes people feel relax and comfortable. I like to listen to the music when I felt stressful. That’s why I choose this topic as a mission in Second Life. The video about U2’s concert in Second Life was really cool and real. I would like to dance and sing with them if I were there. Jason’s music was amazing, too. It would make people want to listen again and again. The lyrics are close to our daily lives.

When I went to the Musicland Isle, I saw a set of drums and the shining spot lights on the stage. I couldn’t help sitting at the drums and pretending I was the professional drummer. It was a dream for me to perform on the stage because I thought it was really cool.

We seldom have the opportunities to interview singers or musicians. This time I was full of energy to start the mission. Jason’s music made me feel really comfortable and relax. That’s why I wanted to know about his musician story.

Jason was really friendly and willing to share his personal feelings about how to be a singer and how to start his singing career. “It’s never too late to start” Jason said. I totally agreed with him because I thought hard working and diligent are the main focus to success.

I hope that I can go to his live concert and have fun next time.

Friday 8 January 2010

The trip to The Star Trek Museum

I went to The Star Trek Museum in Eridani on January 6th. There were some exhibits of Star Trek Arts. Most of them introduced the history of Star Trek. It was a popular movie and drama in the old days.
Many products were sold in the wooden houses. I was curious and decided to take a look at them.

On my way to the spaceport, I saw two samurais were fighting with each other. When I touched one of the samurais, he would change his poses. But their weapons were quite different from I had expected. They used strange scimitar-looked knife instead of katana.

When I saw the “free” space shuttle, I felt really excited and couldn’t wait to visit the outer space.

That space trip was cool and amazing. Billions of stars were shining in the sky. I felt that I was the captain of the space team.

This place was quite big and I couldn’t visit all of them in one day. But I did learn some interesting information from the Star Trek Museum.